A Child must be at least 3 years of age upon entering the Programme, toilet trained and has the ability to care
for his/her own personal needs.
A Space will only be made or placed on our waiting list upon return of a completed registration form
together with a non refundable registration fee payment of $100 on a first come first serve basis.
A non-refundable commitment fee is payable when a child is enrolled to Joyful Kids Montessori School. No child will be considered enrolled until our office receives the relevant fee. This fee and the signed registration form assure your child of a place in the school for the entry month and year. In all circumstances, if the enrollment is subsequently withdrawn, the fee shall be forfeited. When a child graduates from Joyful Kids Montessori School, the non-refundable commitment fee is transferred to out special fund for purpose of facilities improvement for the benefit of succeeding cohorts.
Early Withdrawal
Should you decide to withdraw your child during the school year, the official date of withdrawal, for financial considerations, will be based upon the school's receipt of written notification of the last day your child will attend JKMS. You are responsible for payments up to and including three (3) months in which the withdrawal occurs.
Special Needs
Our School is not specially equipped to cater for children with special needs. Entry may be considered on an individual case basis and will be subject to special conditions such as part-time attendance/shorter school hours or/& that the child is fully accompanied by a shadow teacher. Shadow teacher arrangement will incur additional fee.
Late Payments
A $15 late fee is charged on payments that are made after the 10th of each month.
Returned Cheque Policy
A cheque returned by the bank to the Joyful Kids Montessori School may be re-deposited at your request but if it is returned a second time, a bank certified cheque or cash will be required for future payments.
School Hours - Morning Class / Afternoon Class
Year 1 8:30am - 11:30am / 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Year 2 8:30am - 11:30am / 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Year 3 8:30am - 11:30am / 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Your child needs to arrive at school 5-10 minutes before school starts. There will be a member of staff to greet your child
at the main entrance. If you take your child to the main entrance, please encourage your child to enter alone,
and to get his/her own bag/bottle independently. If assistance is needed, a member of staff will be there to do this.
Before leaving the building, parents who take children in extra early must see that a member of staff has greeted
their child.
Late Pick-Up Charge
A late pick-up fee of $5.00 per 15 minutes will be charged to parent/parents who pick up their child/children after 12:15pm or 5:15pm.
The children will be dismissed from the playground or the main entrance upon parents' arrival. Before leaving, children should always say goodbye to their class directress.
Early Dismissal
On those ocassions when your child needs to be dismissed early, please inform your child's class directress or a staff at the front desk.
Daily attendance logs are maintained by the teachers in each classroom. If your child will be absent from school, please notify our admin as soon as possible. Consistent attendance and timely arrival are very important for your child's progress and social development in the classroom. Please try to plan trips and days off during vacation times. Instances involving consistent tardiness and extended absences (for reasons other than illness) will be brought to the attention of the principal. Keeping the child's best interest in mind, the principal may contact the parents to discuss the situation.
A student who is planning on taking long leave of absence should inform the school in writing and make advance payment of school fee if necessary to avoid the late fee.
A student who has failed to do likewise is liable to have his/her name removed from the school register.
Parents Circulars/Memos
E-circulars and/or hardcopy of official memos will be broadcasted to parents through our WhatsApp hotline or during
dismissal time. It is therefore important to check your phone for any messages or deadlines stated in the memos.
Notice Board
The school notice boards are located at the building car porch and side wall adjacent to the
main entrance door. Please check the notice boards daily for school announcements and other important
Message and Phone Calls
Calls to the class directress should be made after school hours. Appointments may be made during these times to discuss your child's progress. Messages may be left with any staff at the front desk or over the phone and will be delivered to the class directress concerned.
Parents Teacher Conferences
Conferences are scheduled thrice per year and the dates will be posted at least once a week in advance. There is no school on conference days. During the conference, the teachers share information about the child's accomplishments, needs, and goals here at JKMS, and answer questions as time allows. A written report will be provided.
In the case of parents who are divorced or separated, It is our policy to ask both parents to meet with the class directress at the same time, which ensures that the information shared is consistent. It is not mandatory for both parents to attend but two individual conferences will not be scheduled.
Class directress or parents may request for a meeting at any time they feel it is for the best interest of the child to do so.
Arrival and Dismissal
